Tuesday, March 31, 2009

At the CEDC committee, I brought up a few points about the KOZ expansion proposal. My biggest problem is that we have no experience with ending a KOZ. I just can't see a business, grown used to not paying taxes, real estate as well as income taxes, suddenly just beginning to pay them. It boggles my mind. I see them either holding out for an extension ( forever), or moving on to the next town's KOZ opportunity. They may be leaving behind a nicer class of empty building than we are used to, but that doesn't help resurrect a downtown or a City. Pete Schweyer argued that they will be glad to pay the taxes, yet bought the CEDC argument when thay proclaimed that Petrucci was willing to pay us in lieu of taxes just so his Mack Truck Hdqtrs building tenants would get the corporate tax write-off. So it is on the one hand the reason they come, but then on the other hand not a reason for them to leave when it ends.

I also question what the KOZ has done for those who investedtheir own money in downtown. I don't see any benefit for them, no increased traffic. In fact, I see no improvement beyond a better class of vacancy.

Only time will tell what happens, but we have to decide on the KOZ tomorrow, and the deadline is May 31.

Tonight's Council Committee meetings

I attended the CEDC and Administration & Appointments committees tonight. I note that the long awaited personnel code contains the same language as the Charter. I believe that this language is illegal on the basis of equal protection and prior restraint constitutional issues, beside being illogical. It states that only part timers and elected officials can actively campaign ( out side of work) for political office . "......appointed officials and employees, or those seeking office on their own behalf, excluding temporary summer employees and elected officials, shall not take an active part in political campaigns for candidates for City office." beside the lack of definition of active, and the difficult wording ( employees seeking office on their own behalf shall not take an active part in political campaigns for City office) seems to be internally inconsistant. It allows you to be a candidate on your own behalf, that's pre-supposed in the words, but then tells you you can't be what it just addressed you as. Does it mean you can't participate in someone else's campaign, or does it refer to your own? And, on what basis? What is the history of this?

Also, I have been told that this has not been enforced previously when a couple of city employees ran for school board positions, which they won and served. So why do we include this in the proposed personnel code ordinance. I say, "take it out."

re: Allentown's lack of stimulus money

I was not surprised that Allentown did not get a "fair" share of the stimulus. There are too many people Pawlowski has maddened in one way or another, and so we all pay the price for his vindictive personality, and inflated feelings of self importance.

I was surprised that he used the term "freaking". As one commenter pointed out in the Call, either he shouldn't use it, or shouldn't be Mayor. I believe both are in order.

The facts remain, we did not do what was needed, ahead of time. We did not have plans ready for funding, we neglected infrastructure in hopes of a major windfall, we drained the capital accounts like water and sewer, and borrowed to cover reinventing Hamilton's Renaissance Plaza. We did not suggest stimulus projects that create jobs, just one's that pay our bills for us.

I have suggested that we actually apply for projects that replicate a WPA type jobs/infrastructure environment that creates jobs and job training and renews or improves our infrastructure. This would have been just up the Stimulus' Alley. I suggested this over a year ago, before we even knew how badly we would need it. It went no where with Pawlowski.

The bill is coming due for the years of Pawlowski rule. Even if we can't afford it, we can't escape it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Morning Call article this morning about the budget


In case you missed it. It suggests that Pawlowski should have been paying attention to the economy and the effect on the budget.

"... actually, anyone who had been paying close attention would have seen it coming." wrote Jarrett Renshaw Of The Morning Call.

in a move familiar to those who have worked with Pawlowski, "The city denied The Morning Call's request, filed under the state's Right to Know law, to review proposed department budgets submitted before September. The city also refused to release correspondence between Hilliard and Pawlowski relating to the budget." reported Renshaw.

This is what Pawlowski calls open government and transparency. It seems that it is fine for him to have access to vendor's business cards, but taxpayers and newspapers cannot see what the City is doing to create its budget.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Questionable ethics by Pawlowski

If I understand it correctly this quote from The Morning Call is a basis for questioning the Mayor's use of city resources to compile lists for seeking political donations to his candidacy.
"The mayor says he builds his possible donor list by collecting the business cards of city vendors, by tapping friends and acquaintances and lifting the names of contributors who appear on area politicians' campaign reports -- on both sides of the political aisle." (emphasis mine)
It is not the pay-to-play aspect that is so disturbing, it is the use of city resources. How do the business cards of vendors find their way to Ed for this purpose. I suspect that there is some mechanism that is unethical described in that statement. It is that mechanism that is under question here. There should be no way for those vendor cards to get to Pawlowski for that purpose. If he said that his campaign requested public records and culled the names, that is one thing, but he claims to have done this himself, and apparently there is collusion among at least a few City employees to accomplish this. That is unethical as well as illegal, in my opinion. Let me repeat, it may be unwise, even unethical for Ed to target recipients of City contracts so brazenly, but it is not illegal. But to do it in the fashion that he described to the Call reporter does seem to step over the line.

from the City charter:
All employees are prohibited from engaging in any form of political activity during regular work hours and are prohibited from using city facilities or property for any political activity. Violation of this section will warrant discharge or other discipline under the provisions of the Personnel Code.

Collecting these vendors' cards seems impossible to accomplish without violating this provision.

Friday, March 27, 2009

looking for party hosts

I am ready to visit people's homes and meet your neighbors.

It would be my pleasure to address your friends and meet your neighbors. I will be happy to answer questions about my ideas and policies, and I am eager to listen to your community's needs and concerns.

Mine is a grassroots campaign. I am declining monetary contributions from supporters and instead asking them to contribute to a non-profit group of their choice in Allentown. I have a small core of volunteers and have chosen to run my campaign on a budget of less than $250. My approach is atypical, but I am not your typical politician, as demonstrated during my four year term as a Director of the Allentown School Board. I have an open mind and fresh ideas and am eager to share my unique perspective and vision for Allentown's future with your members.

I am available evenings and weekends from now through the week of the Primary, May 19th. To schedule a date and time that I can meet and address your friends and neighbors, please drop me an email (mayor@nepon.us) or call me on my cell phone (610-462-6477.) As I work full-time for the City of Allentown, I do not conduct campaign business while I am at work. Please try to call me after 4pm Monday through Friday or anytime on evenings or weekends. If you need to leave me a message earlier in the day, I will return your call as soon as possible.

Thank you for taking time to read my email and consider my request for an invitation to meet and address your friends and neighbors. I look forward to hearing from you soon so we can schedule a date and time for me to attend a meeting and address your members.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ed still Busy Raising funds for Ed

"Lisa Halsey Pawlowski just had a great fundraising event at the America on Wheels Museum. If you haven't been there before, you should go! " She wrote on facebook.

I have to wonder...... Were Ed And Lisa raising money for the museum, or for Ed? Does Ed need more money? He has already amassed more than probably was spent in the last 50 years of races for Mayor. What is this all about? It certainly doesn't seem to do any good for the city, and is probably looked on poorly by the many non-profits struggling to survive, not to mention all those unemployed and hungry.

links to facebook


is a link to my candidate page and the Green Ribbon Committee

my you tube interview
