Tuesday, March 31, 2009

At the CEDC committee, I brought up a few points about the KOZ expansion proposal. My biggest problem is that we have no experience with ending a KOZ. I just can't see a business, grown used to not paying taxes, real estate as well as income taxes, suddenly just beginning to pay them. It boggles my mind. I see them either holding out for an extension ( forever), or moving on to the next town's KOZ opportunity. They may be leaving behind a nicer class of empty building than we are used to, but that doesn't help resurrect a downtown or a City. Pete Schweyer argued that they will be glad to pay the taxes, yet bought the CEDC argument when thay proclaimed that Petrucci was willing to pay us in lieu of taxes just so his Mack Truck Hdqtrs building tenants would get the corporate tax write-off. So it is on the one hand the reason they come, but then on the other hand not a reason for them to leave when it ends.

I also question what the KOZ has done for those who investedtheir own money in downtown. I don't see any benefit for them, no increased traffic. In fact, I see no improvement beyond a better class of vacancy.

Only time will tell what happens, but we have to decide on the KOZ tomorrow, and the deadline is May 31.

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