Monday, April 20, 2009

people post campaign signs out of fear

"At Medina's -- where a Pawlowski campaign sign hung in the window -- the bar's owner insisted that the fighting happened outside the bar. When told about the mayor's comments, the owner angrily said he couldn't control the people who frequent his place. He declined to give his name." reported The Morning Call in an article about a shooting at 10th & Hamilton that began in a bar at 10th & Linden.

It seems clear to me that this bar owner is no friend of Palowski, and must have felt pressure to post a Pawlowski sign. Now the poor guy must decide if his anger at Pawlowski's publicly stated intent to close him down is a bigger threat than the implied threat of failure to display a Pawlowski sign and the certain actions that might follow from the City enforcement apparatus.

I suppose that seeing Pawlowski campaign signs in places like this are actually good for my campaign.

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